MurrayLink InterConnector Project |

ELECTRICITY POWER INTERCONNECTORS: Still in the news today in 2021. But I was directly involved in one of the most amazing 'power to the people' projects a long time ago. Decades later, guess what.... nothing has changed. We are still pitching to help new projects receive public accepance. The MURRAYLINK project was a national energy infrastructure project creating the first underground electricity interconnector between Berri in the Riverland of South Australia and Mildura / Red Cliffs in New South Wales.
The project required Community Consultation, Media Management and Political advice at local government and multi State Government levels with SA, Victoria and NSW.
Delivering Print publications and Advertising to the community in local regional newspapers was an important service provided by O'Reilly Consulting. These editorial style adverts and flyers also served as newsletters delivered by email as a pdf and then printed in tabloid size for cost effective insertion as free standing flyers to local newspapers in various regions. The work achieved by the Project Team received several major environment & construction awards.